Jul 16, 2018

REMIAM – Intelligent and High Multimedia Museums Network

Participation, sharing, full accessibility and enjoyment represent the guidelines of REMIAM – Intelligent and High Multimedia Museums Network – project (ex OPS project – PON03PE_00161).

The main objective is the improvement of the cultural accessibility of museums and of the surrounding territory through the “Museums Network” paradigm.

The Network of Museums intends to develop an integrated communication model to enhance the cultural accessibility by using innovative and web-based tools.

The novel museum concept, within the network, is based on the capability to describe and narrate himself by means of innovative technological tools. By means of these instruments artworks will be able to “talk” with visitors, with the goal of abandoning the simple and static enjoyment towards a cultural, intellectual and emotional one, capable of satisfying different tastes and needs.

The innovative technologies of the Internet of Things (IoT) and of the Augmented Reality will be used to perform such a change, by designing a technological skeleton supporting the communication and the understanding of the knowledge.

A multi-disciplinary approach will be pursued for the designing of a new model of museum space where art, technology, new models of interaction and innovative communication techniques can support the process of transformation of traditional museums.


The goal of the project is to ideally break down the doors of museums, amplify the cultural message, build cultural and interactive dialogues with the rest of the world, exploiting the potential of modern technology.

Along with the Network of Museums, the project intends to engage the schools through the development and promotion of educational activities aimed at the diffusion of the knowledge of the museum heritage.

The idea is to provide a concrete and comprehensive planning of cultural services, by overcoming the fragmentation of individual interventions on single museums through the involvement of all available human, material and intangible resources.

The Network of Museums shares services, rules and goals to improve their activities and enhance the whole territory by coordinating and disseminating the calendar of cultural events, exhibitions and temporary initiatives.

In the scenario of the valorisation of the area surrounding the Network of Museums, the project also aims to support high-quality handicraft production. To this purpose, the museums communicate with local craftsmen, promoting new artistic production mechanisms through the use of innovative technology tools such as the modern 3D printers.


Three interconnected actions:

  • analysis of the museum heritage, for the creation of a Integrated System of Knowledge to enlarge the CHIS Platform;
  • realization of the Museum Network;
  • realization of the instruments for a social and sustainable usage in a virtual and augmented reality.

Scientific coordinator for REMIAM project (ex OPS): Angelo Chianese – Professore Ordinario di Sistemi di elaborazione delle informazioni (ING-INF/05) dell’Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II

Scientific coordinator for CUEIM: Siano Alfonso – Professore Ordinario di Marketing e di Corporate Communication e Brand Management dell’Università di Salerno.

The Distretto ad Alta Tecnologia per i Beni Culturali, accordingly to Horizon 2020 framework, aims to develop the Smart Innovation & Smart Environment concepts as effective, carefully planned and fully sustainable actions.